By Projet Nanbudokaikan on Sunday, 15 July 2018
Category: The project

WNF's Bureau visits the Nanbudokaikan Dojo

The Worldwide Nanbudo Federation's Bureau met in Toulouse, last June. They took the occasion to visit the Dojo and  see by themselves the works' progress. The lattest works were in the showers and changing rooms.

The floor of the main room has been upgraded in order to prepare for laying the parquet.
Stéphane Carel was there, ans well as Doshu, of course, and Sonia.

On the picture, from left to right : Jean-Paul Renucci, WNF's President, Nanbu Doshu Soke, Jean-Jacques Jobin, WNF's Treasurer and Stéphane Carel Dai Shihan.
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